Running out of battery on a train, but wanted to do a blog post so this will be short!
Over the last few weeks on this blog there have posts from a couple of guests – June has been blogging about seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary, and Su has been blogging about the place for quietness (oh, and about blogging itself).
Today I spoke with someone else who is keen to do a post on the blog. So, look out for a post from Taravandana very soon.
One interesting thing in this is that the actual act of blogging on someone else’s blog seems to be the momentum that is needed to get started, giving an external accountability. Even though I place no deadline and am relaxed if nothing emerges, it seems to make a difference. Something else which worked for Su was the suggestion that she work with audio. To avoid the blank page, and to find our own voice sometimes it really helps to just record ourselves as we talk through the topic. Like thinking out loud – we find thoughts about it that we didn’t know we had.
This has been an interesting experiment. I have a few other people I may approach to write posts. The majority of what you see here will still be written by me, but I am really keen on the idea of developing a community of people who blog in one space.
I would then really like it if at least one of those writers went on to develop their own blog. Now that would be brilliant!
And what do you call a group of bloggers? How about Blaggers!