On Friday I publicised the release of an album through Bandcamp. It comprised 15 tracks, using spoken word and music. The words come from “Blue: experiments in sound” which is the fourth poetry sequence about a misanthropic, lone-wolf character called Blue. I will be releasing this as a book in the next few months. In the meantime, last week saw the album in digital form.
I was really surprised by the reaction through social media over the weekend. There was plenty of attention, 115 listens on Bandcamp already – which is probably 100 more than I thought there would be, and some really lovely emails from people who enjoyed what they heard.
So, it’s probably never too late to try something out!
The challenge isn’t learning how to do things, or coming up with ideas, it’s overcoming that inner critic that chunners away in the background telling us that what we have done isn’t worth sharing! That’s why it has taken me since last summer to press the publish button and get this material up online.
Was it worth it? Yes, the objective has been met – something shared with the world (or a little piece of the world), and sharing things creates the space to move on to the next project.
Also published on Medium.