This week I have been spinning plates (the real thing, not a metaphor), dancing, acting, mime and singing. I have written poetry, developed brand materials, facilitated groups and drank some really nice red wine!
Sometimes the team I work with has a week like the one that has just finished, where a number of different things are all scheduled into the same week. It’s the kind of clashes that you probably should avoid, but when it happens it’s refreshing and really generates ideas.
This week we have:
- Run a workshop to develop a Research & Innovation Lens from the NHS Healthcare Leadership Framework.
- Held a team session looking at our core values and behaviours as part of the Aston OD Team Journey that we are following which is aimed at making as a High Performing Team.
- Taken part in a team session which looked at the Business Model Canvas as an approach to business planning for our programmes.
- Run a whole day of Creative Auditions – this was the second day of auditions where we were searching for people with creative skills to help us develop our Creative Programme aimed at helping researchers to share research in a more accessible way.
Yesterday I spent the day on and off video calls to people discussing ideas that are coming up. This includes the workshop we are running next week with Margaret Wheatley on Community Building. I also discussed the idea of using Google Hangouts to run a session of Creative Conversations where people can share some of the things they are working on at the moment.
All good stuff! I will write more about these different strands in the coming weeks. In the meantime, as well as all of the above I have been preparing for a re-launch of my publishing press – BlueWater Books. It will be ready to launch very soon. There will be more about this here on the blog.
… and above all, as it may be incredibly busy, so also I am having so much fun!