Shadow and Light: the sustainability project

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In my last update, I shared links to a video of the poetry reading that I gave in April. It went really well, and I was asked to perform again at the beginning of June. This time the event was an all-day festival called Wirral MakeFest. The theme of the event was sustainability. Long story short, I found myself pulling together a completely new work called “Shadow and Light.” There’s nothing like a really tight deadline to create a space of inspiration. As a result, in two weeks I had created ‘most’ of the collection so that it was ready to share in the thirty minute slot that I had been given.

Over the next couple of weeks I carried on honing and completing the collection as it grew to 20 poems and a set of photographs too. The resulting paperback came out on Monday 22nd July.

Here’s the blurb from the back cover.

“These poems explore a rich tapestry of subjects including wine bars, UNESCO World Heritage sites, the Smithsonian Folkways, art galleries, and new river parks. Stuart’s distinctive voice and inventive approach breathe new life into contemporary issues, offering readers a thought-provoking and unconventional perspective on sustainability. This collection promises to challenge and inspire, inviting readers to engage with pressing environmental themes in a refreshingly original way.”

It’s available in two formats. You can get an eBook direct from me: just let me know that you want one and I will send it to you – no charge. If you would like the paperback version, you can order it direct here or via Amazon (which is easier if you are outside the UK). It’s only a fiver, a bargain!

Coming soon. News of the next book – “Precious Jewels” – and a new coaching package that you may be interested in. Watch this space (as they say!)

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4 thoughts on “Shadow and Light: the sustainability project”

  1. Hello Keran
    Thank you so much for posting this comment. I am really glad that you enjoyed the poetry, and the reading too.

  2. Hello Rita, and thank you for your lovely kind words. Will be in touch about getting copies of the book to you.

  3. Stuart what a treat your poetry is . You are such an expressive writer ; I found myself having to read some of the poems a few times , in the same way I might watch a good film more than once to get a little deeper understanding .
    And wow did you surpass your goals!
    And listening to you read the poems out loud ( but so gently) was in an and of itself such a delight, as you can write and deliver equally well.
    Not that I’m any expert, but I know a good thing when I see or hear it .
    Well done you 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  4. Very interesting read Stuart and a great blog too. Sounds like a good roll you’re on and I do enjoy your writing and have also had the pleasure to hear you at the events mentioned. You get right to the heart of your subject and I love that. Well done and congrats on your achievements. I would love a copy of both your formats please. I shall as you say order from Amazon too.
    Love, friendship kind regards and respect, RITA MARY XXX

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