… another guest post from June Angela, a Tyke in Exile (see previous post here):
May 2013 was an incredible month for ticking the bucket list and one of them was a fast and furious excursion day in a very wet New York City taking in the famous and awesome sights of Manhattan. Having had a whirlwind coach tour with Daryl who resembled a six foot seven ex-Globetrotter with incredible dribbling skills converted to a new skill of verbal manoeuvres, Stepping off the coach to take in the sites as fast as our little legs would carry chasing the relentless pouring rain around a city so good they named it twice!!! The weather was disastrous as low lying cloud obscured the view from the Top of the Rock. The Empire State Building only visible for 30 feet above our heads and only our imaginations would not let us down and we knew what was really out there with the memory of Google earth.
Entering a very busy Grand Central Station we gawped in admiration of its grandness and named trains with exotic destination over a hundred years gone beyond. On discovery and totally by accident there was a huge walkway upon which we glanced down and saw a private moment between a fresh bride and groom bowing at each other with love and grace on their wedding day with their official photographer registering their every gaze. Our camera quickly caught that memory too as we wanted to share the memory with others back home. To our surprise the camera shot had caught a large white orb surrounding the two that had become one.
Just a second later with the thought that perhaps the camera was faulty and another click taken to capture the moment.
This click had recorded that the orb had gone and yet what had been captured previous …. a trick of the light? or maybe a lost loved one? or an energy attracted to love? Is this another case of seeing the extraordinary in the ordinary …. Everyone has their story of what it could be …. what fits yours?