A guest post from June Angela, a Tyke in Exile:
One glorious day I was walking along a main street of Liverpool, meandering my way to my place of study and one that would bring me much closer to my life’s work. Walking down the road I was totally distracted by an incredible view of the majestic Anglican Cathedral, stood tall in all its glory and crowned by an incredible array of sunshine. A feeling of how lucky I was to be alive captured my whole body and the euphoria I felt that was mine. With a jolt and a lack of dismay I looked down at the something that I had stepped in …. left behind by a somewhat irresponsible dog owner. My mind surrendered from extreme feelings of incredible wonder to one of distaste, and the view with rays of sunshine disappeared as quickly as it came.
A few weeks ago I passed the same spot, the Anglican cathedral was just as majestic, yet the sun wasn’t as blazing as the memory – only drizzling rain. The memory brought the realisation that sometimes we are so busy reaching up to the sky and looking for that incredible dream that we don’t deal with the “stuff” that is directly in front of us, more often it blocks our way or holds us back until we acknowledge it is there or we deal with it. Reaching and looking up to the sky, it’s so important for a human being to dream, yet should it be at the cost of not dealing with that which is lying directly in front of us and the consequences it brings? Does a reversal help by seeing the ordinary in the extraordinary? I guess it’s the chicken and egg story all over again!