If you have taken the time to look at the “About” page on this website you will have seen that amongst other things I have a work role in the NHS in England. If you work in it too (and let’s face it that makes you one of 1.3million people, so it’s likely), then you may be interested in the writings of Roy Lilley.
He’s an interesting guy. He used to be a Trust Chair and has worked as a consultant for a number of years. He has also written a number of really useful books for managers. All interesting stuff – but the thing that is really worth connecting with is his regular email that he sends out with perceptive insights into the ongoing changes in the NHS. You can subscribe to it by going to www.nhsmanagers.net .
He also has a book available for free download (oops, link removed, doesn’t seem to available anymore) which I particularly like – it is full of tips and ideas gleaned from a lot of the writers who I admire. I also like the format – and it has inspired me to get back to ‘The Coaching 30’ book which I have been writing for the last year. I’m motivated now to get on and finish the book – so, thank you Roy for giving that final push.