It’s a Saturday morning and I am at the beginning of a 3-day writing marathon. I wrote about this concept in an earlier post. This weekend is the first chance I have to put it into practise.
I thought it would be useful to capture the process in real-time and see how it goes. Apologies if you are a subscriber to the blog as you will get a few posts over this weekend. This is all by way of reflective practise!
So, this morning I started in the way that so many sources tell me I should – with a reflective first hour. I meditated, read a little and then wrote in my journal. All of this was the preparation and stilling of the mind to get me into the right space for the writing that is to come.
I have set some goals for the three days:
- Write at least 5000 words for the manuscript on Values Based working
- Finish the album I have been making of poetry and music (this will only take a short time as it is nearly finished)
- Live blogging – at least 4 blog posts
- Write at least 5 poems
- Listen to great music that will support the writing
- Exercise at least once each day
These goals are deliberately modest so that I can achieve them and helpfully exceed them!
It’s 11.0 am on Day One and I have written one poem and this is my first blog post. I guess if I use the marathon analogy you could see that as warming up and getting ready for the long haul of sustained writing.
The blogging over the next couple of days will be me “working / writing out loud” and a chance to share the experience as well as sharing some of the material that I produce.
It’s a cliché, but – watch this space…