Compassion and Politics

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These words came to me on a train journey this evening and I felt I had to share them. 

It is so easy to respond to hate with hate, to react to anger with anger.

Far harder to rise above and be compassionate and focus on those who are suffering or will suffer in the future.

Since the global economic crisis in 2008 we have seen many nations voting in right wing governments. Voters are listening to the rhetoric of the mob peddled to them by a rich elite. The gap between rich and poor keeps growing.

Neo-liberalism seems to still have a stranglehold over democracies around the globe. We are living in dangerous and degenerate times.

At such times we need to appeal to compassionate values, a gentler approach to our neighbours around the planet. As humans we are one species, reliant on each other and on the other species on the planet. Without global connection we are poor in all senses. Nothing we eat, consume, use and share is possible without a vast cast of people contributing to making it happen.

With humility we need to remember our place in connection with others. And remain filled with hope for the future. Never underestimate the resourcefulness and goodness of people.

(November challenge 6/31)

Also published on Medium.

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2 thoughts on “Compassion and Politics”

  1. Thanks for the comment Bec. It was something I felt compelled to write whilst on the train. Not anything of great depth – just a feeling that I was having as I spent time on social media yesterday and came up for air after being immersed in negativity!

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