The key to great biography work as part of a process of self-development is to ask great questions. A few years ago I met Rennie Fritchie who shared with me the ideas she had about Biography Work. She published on this. I tried the exercise which focused on 9 key questions – and the results were really powerful. Looking back now at the paper I put together is really interesting. I will try the exercise again with the benefit of 10 years hindsight. Here is a useful format to work through, based on Rennie Fritchie’s work:
PART ONE – Plotting the Stars
1. What kind of human being do you want to be? Describe the kinds of skills, abilities, qualities, disposition, character and understanding you want to have.
2. What do you want to do with your life? Think in large as well as small ways of achievements, actions and important issues for you.
PART TWO – Mapping the Journey
3. Where are you? Describe fully your current stage, both personal and career.
4. How did you get there? Look back in your life and trace all the elements, happenings and people who have influenced your life path.
5. Where do you want to go? Using the material from 1 and 2 begin to describe your real intentions.
6. How will you get there? Refer to the information you have gained about your journey in life so far and consider new ways.
7. What will you do when you arrive? Begin to sketch in your intentions and actions.
8. Where to next? Life is a continuous process, so begin to look beyond your immediate horizons.
9. How do you begin?
PART THREE – Starting Out
10. Plan of action