Being Unreasonable

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It’s the start of a new year and I am thinking about ways in which I can lift my focus for 2014 and achieve some of the goals that I set towards the end of 2013. I don’t do resolutions. You will have seen hundreds of posts on the net in the last week or so explaining why resolutions don’t work.

So, instead I have been looking at some of the really positive and inspiring writers on my bookshelves again. Finding ideas to propel me forwards.

This quote really helps (it’s from George Bernard Shaw, but came via Robin Sharma):

The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.

OK, allowing for the sexist language (Shaw was writing some time ago!) – it’s a brilliant quote. It helps me to stay connected to the ideas that I have been working on for the last few years. Protecting my ideas from toxic influences is really key to this. Plans for new projects that build on the materials I have been developing on this blog, using sound and possibly video too, will be coming soon.

And when I am next accused of being unreasonable in my expectations, when someone says to me that my ambitions are unrealistic in the current economic climate, I will say that it is through being unreasonable (in a way that is congruous with my values) that I will make real progress.

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3 thoughts on “Being Unreasonable”

  1. Thanks for that Su, I really like the idea of being pure to the vision and remaining steadfast even when you hear criticism. I also particularly like the idea that those who set out to do the impossible can achieve great things. Before Roger Banister ran the mile under 4 minutes no one thought it was possible. After he did it, several people also did it very soon after. Hence, being unreasonable in pursuit of a great feat…

  2. Great post Stuart, it can be really challenging not to have your ideas hijacked or diluted. I think the quote is interesting but open to interpretation at first glance. I imagined a cantankerous curmudgeon who goes about his day being ‘unreasonable’….. doesn’t quite fit with your persona.

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